Friday, February 12, 2010

Quick update

Dad's sweater - I'm on the home stretch sewing in the zipper. I have less than 1/4 of it to stitch. Whoo-hoo!

Knitting Olympics - Harlot's version - Skew socks from I'm going to attempt to be all Bo Jackson on you and attempt a 2nd event and knit up Haruni as well. We'll see how it goes. If Costa Rica is a relaxing vacation, the I have every confidence I will be able to channel Bo Jackson. If not, well at least I'll have a new pair of socks.

Again hoping for sun this weekend for some qualiy photo-taking. Oh damn! R. is taking the camera with him on his trip. I guess it will be crappy iPhone photos, if I'm lucky.

ETA: After completing some additional research for Haruni, it will be long as I have some beads to match.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Costa Rica? Sounds relaxing!!!

What's up with the job? We West Side Knitters need to know :) We miss you and can't wait for your next visit.

Big hugs from AZ