Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where for art thou?

Right Damn Here...that's where.

I PROMISE. I will post a better update soon.

Good news, my dad's sweater is officially OFF THE NEEDLES. AANNDD, All ends are woven in! Bad news, it still needs a zipper. I bought 4 zippers at JoAnn's, but none of them are right. So tonight, I'm going to Hancock after work to see if they have something that might be better. If not, a khaki zipper will be sewn into the sweater. I'll be seeing Dad this weekend and I intend to deliver the finished product come hell or high water.

So, I intend to have a new post soon, photos included. Yay! I can start a new project!

Have I decided yet? Hell no! Here are the options: socks for Rodrigo, Peacock shawl, Shetland shawl, socks for me, 2nd Fiddlehead mitten, try to finish log cabin blanket, pick up Rodrigo's ski sweater. Can't decide. Probably not another sweater, but should consider that as an option.

Sorry to have been absent for so long...hope you can forgive me. (Is anyone reading this who even gives a damn?!?!?)


Andi said...

Yay for finishing! I need seaming lessons :-(

Connie said...

Of course we give a damn! And I vote for the Peacock shawl - but of course, keep in mind that I have been quite obsessed with lace lately, so I may be a bit biased.

Kate said...

There you are!! I vote for the Peacock shawl, with socks for R. as a secondary project. We miss you!!