Thursday, October 30, 2008


Ha! I found the body of my dad's sweater. Thank GOD! Seriously, I was starting to have a panic attack. Phew.

I HAVE to get this done. Before this Christmas...remember, it's supposed to be a gift for LAST Christmas. Oh well. At least it's really hot in Arizona most of the time. Last I checked it was still well over 90 degrees most days. So I'm sure he hasn't missed it. But I still feel terrible about it the more I think about it.

"Hey, here's a great unfinished sweater."
"Gee, thanks. I guess."

Um, yeah.

That's the good news for now. The bad news, I'm still unemployed. I'm starting to get REALLY nervous. Bad economy, lay offs in the news, tougher competition. Gosh, I just don't know. Trying to stay positive, but it's getting hard.

Well, next post will have some photos...I promise! I'm going to get moving on this sweater. Now that the sleaves are done, the body is done to the armpits, I can see the finish line. I just hope it will fit him when all is said and done.

Bye for now.

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